Monday 27 April 2009

Issues to ponder - chasing money or enrichment?

We all need to de-clutter and focus on the things that matter. We are all chasing wealth and economic growth. But at what cost? The world's economy has to be 15 times its current size before all the poor nations can be as rich as the OECD nations. It will require a change in mindset. What is the point in chasing faster microchips when a vast number of people don't have access to water supply?

Shouldn't business objectives be directed towards more sustainable growth. Sustainable in the sense where people continue to have jobs and growth in other parameters counts as well? Personal development, better relations with family, friends, participation in the community, etc.

If we stop and think about where we are in our lives today, maybe we have achieved quite a few of our goals. Its a case of recognizing it and redirecting our energies to something more meaningful than the simple pursuit of money! India is also going down the route of disaster by trying to ape the West. Of course we need economic growth, but it should also be tempered by our values and traditions - we have ancient history to back it up too - simplicity in life! While the world looks at Hinduism and Buddhist teachings to help them make sense of their ordinary lives, young Indian professionals are turning their backs on these teachings and chasing the glitz and glamour of the West. If this current recession is not a wake up call then what is?

These days I am struggling to come up with answers. Talking philosophy and metaphysics is fine (which I have done above) but what are the small or big steps/actions that we should be taking to actually improve ourselves and actually make a difference in the way we work, interact with friends and family and most importantly, with the community?

All feedback and discussion welcome...


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct. One of drivers of poor management decisions is actually the company shareholder. If shareholders were forced to hold stock for no less than three years they would not be so demanding on the board of directors...and therefore decision making would focus more on long term evaluation vs. this quarter's results.

Ayonism said...

Good point dude ! Very nicely put.