Friday 20 March 2009

Goal setting and how to balance it with your life?

Every personal goal you set can be evaluated in terms of the following 4 parameters:

1. Money = how much money you think will be sufficient to lead your life comfortably?

2. Ego Food = self esteem achieved through the work you do and the success you achieve

3. Love = family, wife, kids. Don't ignore this important aspect of your life. This is what is meant by attaining a work life balance.

4. Health = whatever you set out to achieve should not take a toll on your health. Take steps to keep yourself in good shape and good health.

In order to achieve your goals, you also need to consider the following:

1. Desire - do you have the desire to achieve the goal?

2. Ability - do you the ability i.e. skills, qualification, strength, etc?

3. Human Relations - do you have the emotional capacity to handle the emotions of family, friends, colleagues as you move along the path to achieve these goals?


surya prashant rao said...

Goal's for life could be based on a momentary spur, but poetry vanishes once we are responsible for family eh :)

Sagnik Murthy said...

Yes we can laugh about it. But that is the exact point - your goals need to be re-aligned with what you want to achieve for yourself and the family. Carry them forward together - a common purpose. Poetry will reappear but you just have to be patient.

Another Test said...

Funny that I was thinking about this recently. Modern Day success is measured by one's richness - a uni dimensional measurement of one's wealth. Richness in experience, richness is varied skills/vocations, richness in number of well wishers, richness in being wholesome ..etc are not even considered by many to be part of measuring one's success. Phew!!!!